Friday, December 14, 2007

The Other Blog

I've been spending time this week putting together a blog for Helen who is terminally ill. The objective was to make things easier for her family by having a place where people could go to find out how she is doing without having to call the family. I was also hoping that people would leave messages of encouragement and share their memories with her.

I am so grateful. The blog is working. We're starting to get some wonderful messages from people. Just a few minutes ago a "second generation" message came in. It was from someone I don't know, so they got the blog address from someone else. That's what I was hoping for. This whole thing boggles my mind, because just a few days ago I didn't have a clue I could even do this. "Life's funny sometimes. You never know where a new road will take you."

Love, Kathey

1 comment:

Mamapierce said...

You're such a wonderful person, Kathey, always giving to others. You're an inspiration to me. :o)