Sunday, March 8, 2009


Yesterday it was 74 degrees out and actually felt like 74. Yay for spring. Jim even took advantage of the nice weather and pruned the mimosa tree in the front yard, and the monster Mock Orange bush in our back yard. The Mock Orange was threatening to take over the world, so now it's much tamer. It feels nice and open back there now. And speaking of nice and open… We discovered our first crocus were indeed open! Glad to see them. It's amazing what a little warm weather will do.
I sat in the swing house, petting a nice warm purr box, by the name of Mollie, in my lap. I was just lazily watching Jim work, and not watching, and thinking and not thinking. It was lovely, and nice. I was thinking about something I saw the other day. We drove Kirsten to school and happened to pass a house with a little bridge in the yard. On the bridge was a small paper which looked suspiciously like it might be a For Sale sign.

For the last two years I've been wanting to go to the garden center and have someone draw up a landscape plan for around the swing house. Design has never been my strong point, so I thought it would be safer to have someone else draw up the plan. It's especially not good when bushes and things are involved. Once we stick something in the ground, it's a bit hard to move it if I decide I don't like it there. I want to include in this plan a weeping pussy willow, and some kind of small tree or bush that blooms. Outside of that I don't really know, or didn't until I saw the little bridge.

Now I'm thinking that it would be great fun to add that bridge before our grandchildren come to visit this summer. I can see a little path leading from the swing house to the bridge and out the other side. Perhaps some little feet could trip trop over the bridge. There might even be enough room for a real live 4-year-old troll to hide underneath.

But as I was sitting there, something interrupted my tranquility--rather loudly in fact. The freeway was especially noisy today. When the wind blows from the south, it not only brings warm weather, but the noise and sometimes the fumes of the freeway. I wonder… I wonder if it would be possible to make a tiny stream go under the bridge, and if we could install a little waterfall, then perhaps the sound of the freeway wouldn't be so loud. We could even attract birds, and perhaps a frog or two. I wonder how that would be?

I don't want a lot of water--just a happy little addition to that cozy corner, with just enough of a flowing stream to play Pooh Sticks now and then. Wouldn't it be fun? Nice memories are made of things like that.

Addendum: Well, that was yesterday. Today, Sunday, Jim suggested that we go for a drive. We don't go out and buy things on Sunday, but he agreed to take me to see if we could actually find the bridge. After all, I had seen it so quickly as we passed by, and he didn't notice it at all. Was it really there, or if it was for sale, was it still there?

We got in the car and began to retrace our path. We kept going and going and going. We passed one little community and lots of empty space and headed into another group of houses. Nope, it wasn't there either. Finally I had a hunch we were getting close, and suddenly there it was!Jim thinks it's about eight feet long. We don't know the cost, or if it's even realistic, but at least now we know exactly where it is. Something interesting is that we rarely drive Kirsten to school, and when we do, we never go that way… We shall see!!!


Helena said...

That does sound lovely. We were surprised by snow this morning (it's all gone now).

I like the bridge!

Expatriate Buckeyes said...

The bridge and little stream sound like fun. Mark's Dad has a little goldfish pond that my kids love.

Kathy said...

Please buy the bridge so that I can enjoy the pictures of it. It looks like it has some real potential for greatness without a ton of work.

Peter Ahlstrom said...

I think it would take a really big waterfall to make a significant dent in the freeway noise. You might want to ask the back door neighbors what it's like to have a stream running through their yard—it may be more trouble than it's worth.

Kelly Greenfield said...

I love the idea of all of it, especially the 4 year old troll (lol). Can't wait to see pictures of the bridge in YOUR yard, and a stream, and a couple of frogs. And perhaps some birds.

Barbie Mills said...

The bridge looks sweet! I think that would be nice.

Peter has a good point--I don't think it would be loud enough. It does sound like a lot of work too, even though it would be lovely.

Kyle and I might enjoy trying to come up with a landscape design.