Saturday, March 21, 2009


I see some interesting/fun things from my window. Last week I noticed that the buds on our silver maple trees had swelled quite a bit. They must have been really tasty because the squirrels were going out of their way to munch on them. I saw several furry acrobats creep precariously far out on tiny twigs to taste those tempting tidbits. YUM.Then this week the little maple tree flowers burst through the buds. Apparently the flowers don't taste good because the critters haven't been after them this week.
A month later I took the following picture. I just thought it would be fun to add it here to see how the "buds" have progressed. Now they are turning into those pesky maple tree helicopters.Speaking of squirrels. Something funny happened the other day. I was looking out the window towards the back yard. It was early morning so the sun was shining from the front of the house. A young squirrel was having the time of his life running up and down Tiny Tree. (Tiny Tree is a Colorado Blue Spruce which is planted too close to the silver maples. When we first moved into this house, in 1980, Tiny Tree was only about 14 inches tall. Helena could jump over him. Tiny is now about 20 feet tall, but he will always be "Tiny" to us.)

Suddenly in mid-run, the squirrel stopped and scooted over to the maple tree. He scampered up a good distance and just started scolding for all he was worth. He was looking my way, so I thought perhaps he didn't like me spying on him. Then I saw the real problem, for a shadow passed by! It was a shadow of one of the cats walking by on the roof! I suspect it was Mollie, although I could not see her. (Mollie was above me on the roof, and the sun was behind me, so the shadow was cast in front of me.) In a second or two the shadow went back the other direction, and then I heard a big THUMP on the roof in the same direction the shadow was going. Who knows what it was.

Every year when we have bud break, our deck gets covered with maple tree bud scales. Yes, it's a bit messy, but it's a sure sign that spring is on the way.
We also had some colorful crocus break through.

And speaking of budding--Here's Andy at 10 weeks. He's getting bigger, and cuter all the time! Hey 'lil buddy! what's up?


Helena said...

Ooh! What a lot of crocuses! Pretty!

Mamapierce said...

Hey I just nominated you for a blog award! Check out my blog to get it:

Barbie Mills said...

I LOVE your crocuses! How gorgeous! Kyle planted a bunch last fall, and they were quite lovely too, ubt not as bunched together yet.

Sepp said...

Love the crocuses! Spring is truly something to behold after a long Ohio winter.