Friday, March 7, 2008

Interesting Insight about Sarcoid and Breathing

Having sarcoid makes breathing difficult. I've learned that it's more of a problem with exhaling rather than inhaling. Old air gets trapped, so there is not as much room for new air to come in. This results in shortness of breath, and the inability to breathe deeply. It's also a real energy zapper. A few months ago Robin Gentry McGee, who is my Holistic Whole Foods Counselor, told me about a DVD called Asthma QiGong that showed how to do QiGong exercises specifically for asthma and breathing difficulties. I ordered it and have been doing it quite regularly the past few months. It involves deep breathing while moving the hands and body slowly in specific patterns to enhance the flow of energy in the body.

I recently heard a tape in which the author said that when we make improvement in one area of our life, it enhances other areas as well. He went on to say that when we let an area slip, it also adversely affects (dehances would be a good word here) other areas. I've also heard it said that our world on the outside is symbolic of our world on the inside.

OK that's enough background information. Yesterday when I was doing my QiGong breathing exercises an interesting thought came to me. Would decluttering my house also help to declutter my air passages? I rather suspect it would. I would dearly love to hire someone who could help me get organized. I know good principles, I just don't have the energy to put them into practice. Over the years I've worked on letting go of old beliefs, and grief that might be cluttering up my lungs, but I never thought of the energy from the physical clutter affecting my breathing as well. Interesting.


Mamapierce said...

If you are comfortable with it - you might ask your visiting teachers to assist you with "decluttering" your home. Or perhaps a YW/YM service project? :o)

Unknown said...

I am doing a lot of this in my life. While I am no expert at it, I would be willing to provide woman power the next time that I come north. I love to through things away. Unfortunately, I do not know yet when we are headed north again. I'll give you a heads up though. It would be great to spend a day or two with you.

Karen Ahlstrom said...

If you're willing to pay the prices a professional organizer would charge, that would cover the airfare for me to come out and do it with you -- which I would love. Decluttering and organizing are some of my favorite things. Flylady also has some good suggestions for decluttering - the most important of which is to set a timer and only get out as much as you can put away in 15 minutes -- this way it's less of a huge job that gets procrastinated, and the decluttering process doesn't make more of a mess than you've already got!
