Tuesday, August 12, 2008


You might be saying, "Hey! I thought this was going to be something about cucumbers! What's this?"
Remember those peas that we planted on June 5th? (If not look here.) Well, even though we planted them way late (March and April are preferred for peas) we are getting a really nice crop. These are the sugar snap variety and even though it is now almost the middle of August, they are still going strong. We got everything in late, but the garden is working anyway. We're picking lots of zucchini and cucumbers. We're starting to get tomatoes, and green beans, and broccoli will be coming on soon too. So if you're ever into June and wonder if you should bother starting a garden--Go For It!

Something I really don't understand though, is why I even plant cucumbers. You see, I don't even LIKE the warty, spiky things. They are just fun to grow and to give away, so we do. Actually we grow them partly because I thought Betsey liked them. Truth be told--she used to. In fact she used to like them a lot. Ah, there is a story here. Well, sit a spell and I'll spin the tale for you.

Betsey was on the tennis team in high school. Tennis season is in hot weather and she used to really enjoy taking a cucumber with her to eat because she liked them and liked the cooling effect. Well something happened one day, that unfortunately changed her opinion of cucumbers--probably forever--alas!

Rewind a few years before that, back to the days when Betsey attended Young Women Camp. One year our friend Diann, was there as an adviser. Not only was she a fun counselor-type, but Diann had been through quite a bit of survival training. She mentioned to the girls that she had eaten grasshoppers when she had to. Now this was one talent the likes of which the girls had never before beheld, and so they pleaded with her to demonstrate this wonderful ability of hers. Diann, however, did not share their enthusiasm and had the audacity to refuse! Well, one thing led to another. To this day Betsey doesn't know who said it first, but she and Diann said "I'll do it if you will." So they both did. (yuck)
Betsey actually became quite famous after that (and will gladly sign autographs) as The Girl Who Eats Grasshoppers! To this date she has actually consumed four. (She used to say that it wasn't too bad once you get past the legs.) OK so fast forward a few years, back to tennis season. The very last time she ate a grasshopper was one day at a tennis match. Someone had heard of her talent and asked for a show and tell. She had to please her fans, right? So, probably with some reluctance, because it really wasn't among her favorite things to do, she downed one of the hoppy creatures. I imagine she also drank some water. Then in a little while she decided she would cool off with a cucumber--and YUCK. She realized that cucumbers taste just like grasshoppers! She hasn't enjoyed a cucumber since.

So if you want to know what grasshoppers taste like, just bite into a nice, juicy cucumber, especially if it happens to be warm. Oops, didn't mean to spoil them for ya.--K

p.s. That's a recent picture of Betsey. She's on the left, with her sisters Barbie, and Helena.


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize the connection between the two. I do remember that last grasshopper she ate--the girls on the tennis team thought is was gross, and I think the legs on that one had been especially jumpy. Hmm.

I don't think I'll ever try one unless I'm going to die.

Helena said...

Didn't she even eat one on video? Mmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I love cucumbers but I'm not about to do a taste test to see if a grasshopper compares! haha.

Take care,
