Saturday, May 10, 2008

What A Treat!-Savoring the Dawn Chorus

One week ago today, Jim got up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready to leave for cousin Lee’s wedding. Lee lives in the DC area so Jim flew there and back that day. In order for this to happen he definitely had to get up before breakfast! The least I could do was visit with him while he ate it. Not feeling quite up to making a trip of that magnitude I elected to stay home and keep the home fires burning while he made his marathon trek. My intent was to visit with him and then mercifully snuggle back in bed while he went on his way. Little did I realize what a treat was coming my way!

Savoring the Dawn Chorus

As I went to the door to lock it safely behind him,
My ears picked up on something I hadn’t heard
In our snug, well-insulated,
Apparently sound proof house.
It’s 5:30 a.m. by this time, and still quite dark
But by no means still.
The Dawn Chorus in full crescendo
Brought music to my ears.

One very enthusiastic robin
Sounded like he was cheering
Through a megaphone
Pointed directly at my ear.
SO glad for another day
And not afraid to
Tell the world about it!

What would the morning serenade be
Without robins? That’s all I could hear.
Perhaps they’re just the loudmouths
Of the feathered set,
Calling to each other from
Not-so-neighboring trees.
“Hey Fred, whatcha’ got planned for today?
Find any early worms yet?”

As Jim pulled out of the driveway
And onto the street,
I remembered to flash the
Yard light three times.
He flashed back three times-
Our signal for “I love you too.”

I stepped out onto the porch then
And stood there savoring,
Soaking it all in,
Just being there in my p.j’s,
Glad for the cover of darkness.
My eyes took in the view.
Amber rays of the yard light
Peeking through the
Still-bare branches
Of a Kousa dogwood
Were reflected off our sidewalk
Still wet from a gentle rain,
Giving everything a magical glow.

I love white flowers at night!
A carpet of candytuft
Fairly shined in the soft darkness,
Further enhanced by the
Huge blossoms
Of nearby dogwood trees.

It’s 6 O’clock by now.
I listened by the back door this time
And heard some very un-robin-like warbling
Before it was drowned out again.
I wonder.
What does the Dawn Chorus
Sound like in Maine, or Florida?
Is there such a thing in Alaska
During those times
When the sun doesn't sleep?
I don't know, but for now,
I decide to enjoy what I have,
And be content.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I so wanted to go with him to Lee & Marty's wedding, but it just wasn’t practical for me. Jim was very excited, and we decided he should go by himself. He even wore his wedding tie. When I commented about the tie, he said, "Of course! It's a wedding!" I thought that was cute. OK, so what's a wedding tie? It's the tie he wore when our youngest daughter, Barbie was married in December 2005. Here's our group that day. Left to Right: Doug, Helena and baby Kate Jole, Kathey & Jim, Barbie & Kyle Mills, Karen & Peter Ahlstrom, Betsey & Kirsten.

I tried taking pictures of the white flowers glowing in the darkness, but that didn't work. SO if you use your imagination just a wee bit…Here's part of our "Carpet of Candytuft." And a close up…
Those dogwood blossoms really do shine at night. Just pretend--Okay?
We're so glad he could go. It turned out to be a great day for both of us.


Helena said...


We've got a lot of candy tuft around here. It's pretty.

Kate and I were listening to the birds outside, the other morning, and she told me, "Worms are afraid of birds!"

Mamapierce said...

What a wonderful post! Pictures, a nice poem, and another way to show you love someone - I like the flashing lights idea! :o)

Anonymous said...

Mom, you really are becoming a poet! What a fun new hobby for you that doesn't take as much physical exhertion. How nice. I love the pictures too, and I really can imagine the white flowers glowing in the darkness. I love that about white.