Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One afternoon we gathered at a park near Peter and Karen's house. A friend of Karen's came over to take pictures for us. The family dozen: Starting at the left: Helena & her husband Doug, I'm holding their daughter Kate, then Betsey, baby Elizabeth (Dau. of Peter and Karen) is next, then Kirsten, and Barbie. Back row is Jim, Karen, Peter, and Barb's husband Kyle. Helena and Barb are both expecting babies before the end of the year, so we'll soon be 14 in all. (Double click on the picture to enlarge it.)
* * * * * * * * * *Here are our four girls: Betsey, Barbie, Kirsten and Helena, all together, which doesn't happen very often! Kirsten has a hard time trying to smile if you ask her to. When she thinks about it she doesn't seem know what to do with her mouth to make it work right. A friend of ours recently discovered a good solution.
Our friend Marcie Greenwood (click here and here for pictures of Marci and her family) discovered that if we say "Dance, Kirsten!" She will snap her fingers and smile. It really works.
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Here are some cute pictures by individual family.
Helena and Doug with Kate who is 3 1/2. Their new baby is due December 31. Peter and Karen with 5-month-old Elizabeth.Kyle and Barbie. Their little girl will arrive around October 31.
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A Crafty Tradition

When I was in elementary school I loved making chains out of flowers: dandelions, clover, violets, lily-of-the-valley, or daisies if I could get them. Those chains could be made into so many lovely things like necklaces, bracelets, crowns, or belts, or just hung around a room. I don't remember if I figured this out by myself, or if a friend taught me, but I do know it was even more fun to do it with a friend. Well, as our children grew I taught them as well. I'm glad to see that the tradition is being shared… Here Helena is showing Karen some of the finer points of crafting with clover. White clover flowers were scattered most abundantly throughout the park that day.Barbie got into the act too.
I'm glad to see it's being passed on to the next generation. Kirsten was a recipient of one of Karen's creations.

Before we all came on the trip, Helena made a flower crown for Kate.
She titled these pictures "The Queen of June."
After the Park we went to Peter and Karen's house. There were some awfully cute kisses between Kirsten and Elizabeth, so Karen called us all over to snap some pictures. Here are a couple. Elizabeth and Kirsten definitely have a Mutual Admiration Society.
Lotsa pictures, but lotsa fun!

Part 4 is next and that's the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I ever told you how beautiful your pictures are on your blog? And your flowers are so gorgeous! I love the Queen June pictures the best~!